Why Content Marketing is a Business Website’s Best Friend

By Evan Rubenstein
Everyone (well almost everyone) in business nowadays has a website, and everyone wants more people to come to their website and give them more business. Right or right?

Not that long ago, the recipe was simple; launch a websites, throw in a meagre ration of mediocre content, add as many links as you could and allow it to rise. On the search results, that is.  In case you have not heard, that does not work any more. Google’s cadre of PhD’s have figured out how to detect and prevent schemes that artificially boost your rightful rankings. Nowadays you have to build a good website that contains high quality content that helps your market and that they value. You also need many more links than before and a lot of social shares to make you rank.


All in all, this is now a lot harder to do than it used to be. Building links the way you might have before is now very expensive and time consuming. What’s more, if you don’t have good material worth sharing, you wont get the social shares.
So what to do. How do you get natural links pointing to your site and lots of social shares?
In a word: Content. Or Content Marketing to give it its new, fashionable name.
It has become generally evident that good content produces more links, more quickly that building them manually, and what’s more, it’s cheaper. Not only that, but your quality content will be naturally shared on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+ giving you a double whammie effect.
So what is quality content?:
  • Written word content
    • Articles
    • Blog Posts
    • How – To’s
    • Checklists
    • Q & A’s
    • FAQ’s
  • Video
  • Infographics
  • Slides
  • Podcasts
Those who spent substantial sums on SEO in the past would have watched in horror as algorithm update after algorithm update decimated their investment. As search rankings went into free-fall, SEO providers responded with more sophisticated schemes that cost more money, but ultimately delivered less and less.
You have one other thing to look forward to in this new content centric world. Content does not get affected by algorithm updates. Content is an investment in the future!

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