Providing suitable training for your team is a necessary ingredient for their own growth within their roles and therefore the growth in your business. No business can pursue a growth agenda without a focus on training and education. In instances where in-house expertise is not available or limited, it makes sense to use an external resource.
The following workshops are available either on a public basis or in-house
Sales Made Simple:
This is a basic sales training workshop designed for sales people and for non-sales people. It covers all basic sales principles including DISC Behavioural Analysis. Attendees will learn about:
- How to ask great questions
- Rapport building skills
- Communication strategies
- Conversion techniques
- How to overcome objections
Duration: 1 Day
How to Create Raving Fans:
This is a workshop about delivering exemplary customer service, in such a way that your customers will rave about you to their friends.
Attendees will learn about:
- How to identify your very best customers and those who are more trouble than they are worth
- Why customer satisfaction is not enough
- Simple yet effective techniques to get customers raving about your business to everyone they meet
- The Ladder of Loyalty
- The most effective way to generate referrals
Duration: 1 Day
Team Power:
This is a workshop aimed at building true teamwork and getting true engagement and commitment from the people in your business. This workshop can only be run on an in-house basis.
- a team that is aligned with your goals
- confidence in your team
- confidence in your strategy
- the motivation and focus to make it happen
- an enhanced leadership position in the company
- commitment from the team members
Duration: 1 Day. Pre-planning meeting: 2 hours.
How to use KPI’s to Multiply Profits and Team Performance
Having effective KPI’s is the breakthrough every business owner yearns to make to have their team ultimately accountable.
Here’s what you will learn:
– What constitutes a proper Key Performance Indicator
– Why KPIs are important and where and how to use them
– The different classes of KPI’s
– How to devise, implement, measure and track your KPIs.
Duration: One half-day
Financial Mastery
Everything the business owner needs to know about:
- Understanding financial concepts and terminology
- Demystifying financial documents, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet etcHow to work with margins, markup and other financial ratio’s
- Learn the secrets of Cash Flow management
- How to set up budgets, cash flow forecasts and other financial tools for your business
Duration: 1 Day
Custom Workshops
Variations and combinations of the above can be customised to your needs.