Experience has shown that ongoing One-on-One Coaching over a period of time delivers the best and most sustainable business outcomes. A coach sees things dispassionately and is able to apply “best practise” to the situation to help you understand issues, gain insights, develop ideas, set goals, and plan effectively. Your coach will then provide the external accountability required to ensure that plans are adhered to, and goals are met.

Are you facing one or more of these issues?:

Business Coach

  • You are working very hard but are not satisfied with your results or progress
  • Your business is well established and runs smoothly, now you want to lift it up to the next level
  • There are aspects of your business that are not performing as well as they ought to and you have not been able to make the improvements you seek
  • You are thinking of selling but are concerned that the business will not realise its full potential
  • Your business has stagnated and needs an overhaul

An ongoing One-on-One Business Coaching will address any and all of these issues.

How One-on-one Business Coaching works

Initially, we will go through a robust debrief to identify all the issues and to establish a solid working partnership in a 4 hour Alignment Meeting. This input is required for the coach to develop a roadmap that will be used to deliver your outcomes. Thereafter, you will meet with the coach on a weekly or fortnightly basis, depending on your availability and urgency. Meetings take place by video conference and take about one hour. In the meeting we will review progress, work through issues and plan actions for the coming week (or fortnight).

Between meetings, you will be in telephonic and email contact with the coach so that you can get the support and help when you need it and maintain you progress.

One-on-One Business Coaching can deliver extraordinary results, and very often a greater return on investment than almost any other form of business investment yet devised.

Who is this for?

One-on-one Business Coaching is ideal for businesses that have been established for at least 2 years and have 4 or more staff members, or a turnover of $600,000 or more. This is not a hard and fast rule but smaller businesses may find it challenging to keep up with the pace of progress.

Why do we meet by Video Conference?

The meeting methods that are commonly used for One-on-one Business Coaching are: telephone, face-to-face and more recently, video conference.  below is a breakdown of the virtues of each method.

TelephoneFace-to-faceVideo Conferencing
Travel timeGoodBadGood
Geographical freedomGoodBadGood
Communication qualityAdequateGoodVery good
CollaborationPoorGoodVery good

Video conferencing is by far the most versatile and as of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, ubiquitous.